Thursday, February 13, 2014

Diving In!

I have been talking about starting a blog for months.  I have crafted several posts in my brain, and a few more on pieces of scratch paper, but the thought of publishing them here, in this virtual space, was intimidating.  Nonetheless, I drafted a few complete posts, and then, just as I was about to click "publish," I'd stop myself!

In the midst of my hesitation, I would remind myself how much I have learned during the last few months from the blogs of so many of my Twitter colleagues.  Also, I was struck by the way their posts facilitated meaningful sharing and dialog.  So, I really wanted to "dive in," even though it would push me out of my comfort zone. After all, since I encourage my students to take risks and push out of their own comfort zones,  I figured should "walk the walk," right?!

And then today I saw this post from @poida that prompted me to finally "dive in" and click "publish":

Well,  I wouldn't go so far as to say the "magic" will happen here, but I AM stepping out of my comfort zone and I am looking forward to sharing reflections on learning with my students, colleagues, and broader PLN.
More posts to come!  


  1. Good luck with your blog! I started this summer and try to average one post a month (pretty close to sticking with it). I keep a document where I write ideas down for future posts. Have fun and I look forward to reading your posts! (@sstorm01)

    1. Thanks so much Shawn! Great idea about the idea document. Similar to that idea, an encouraging student of mine suggested I keep a "thinking journal". I'll look forward to reading your posts too!

  2. Welcome to the blogging life. Look forward to reading your future posts.

    1. Thanks so much! I'm excited to have finally started and hope to keep up.

  3. Congratulations and all the best with your blog. Keen to follow your posts and to collaborate, you have MUCH to share!

    I'm both honored and humbled that my "Where the magic happens" Twitter post (@poida) ignited your move into the illuminating educational blogosphere! :-)

    I want to dedicate the following timeless inspirational quote to your initiative and BRAVERY!

    The longest journey begins with a single step.

    Author: Lao Tsu

  4. Poida, Sorry for the late reply to your comment. I SO appreciate your encouragement! I'm looking forward to continued collaboration and learning with you. It is amazing to me, really, the ways that Twitter and blogs have impacted my professional learning in just a few months. Thanks again! Love the quote! :-)

  5. You're my inspiration! I started a blog last year and never found the time, or 'comfort zone' to continue...going to give it another go after reading this!

  6. Gosh, glad to hear, Katie, that you're going to get back to it. I'll look forward to reading your posts and continuing our collaboration!
